Welcome to Idaho Legal Aid Services!
On our homepage you will find information about applying for legal services, our legal advice lines, self-help resources, and donation information. We provide free legal services for low-income and senior Idahoans in a variety of civil matters. For more information on the services we offer, please visit the "Our Services" tab above.
Explore our topics to see if we have self-help information relevant to your legal issue.
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Apply for Help
Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. assists low-income and senior (age 60 and older) Idahoans with civil legal issues. Our offices cannot assist with criminal matters. To determine whether you qualify for help and to apply for services, click on "read more" below.

Free Legal Advice Lines: Domestic Violence, Housing, and Senior
Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. offers legal advice lines for eligible Idahoans in the following areas: Domestic Violence; Senior; and Housing. Click on "See More" to learn more.

Make a Donation
Make a donation or learn about other ways to help Idaho Legal Aid Services.
Our Partners
LSC's support for this website is limited to those activities that are consistent with LSC restrictions.