Apply for Legal Assistance

Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. assists low-income and senior (age 60 and older) Idahoans with civil legal issues. Our offices cannot assist with criminal matters. We do not charge for our services.
To determine whether you qualify for help, our office will need to gather information regarding the specific legal problem you are seeking assistance with and the income and assets of all people living in your home.
Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. is open for business via telephone, email and in person at your local office.
Due to limited staff availability, Idaho Legal Aid offices will maintain reduced hours beginning Tuesday, December 24, 2024 through Wednesday, January 1, 2025. All offices will reopen at 8:30 AM local time on Thursday, January 2.
During this time, the statewide phone number (208-746-7541) will not be available to leave messages. You can apply for legal assistance through our online portal, but these applications will not be responded to until after the holidays. Please allow additional time for staff to process your application.
Thank you for your patience and understanding.
To Apply Online
By clicking the APPLY NOW link below you will be redirected to our online application. The online application will take approximately 15 minutes. This application works by asking you questions and then sending your answers securely to Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc.
After our office reviews your online application, a client intake specialist will contact you. Next, our office may provide information on your legal issue in the form of a brochure, provide you with legal advice over the phone, schedule an appointment with you, or refer you to another organization for assistance.
To Apply By Phone
To apply for help by phone, please call: 208-746-7541, Monday through Thursday, between the hours of 10:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Mountain Time) (9:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon Pacific Time). There are no phone intakes on Fridays.
To Apply In Person
You may also apply in person by visiting your local Idaho Legal Aid Office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. No in-person intakes will occur after 4:30 p.m.
Legal Advice Lines
If you are a victim of abuse and have questions regarding a legal issue, call our Domestic Violence Advice Line. If you think you are in danger right now, call 911 right away.
We also have a housing and senior/elder law advice line.
For more information on our legal advice lines, click on our Legal Advice Lines tab at the top of the page or call: 208-746-7541 during intake hours (listed above).
What You Need Before You Apply
You will need some information to get through the application. Some of it is basic, like your name and the county where you live, but some information may be harder to find like your household income and assets (what you own).
Make sure you have this information ready before you apply:
- Your name, address and county you live in;
- The name of the person, business, or organization causing your legal problem (if any);
- The sources of all your total household income and the amount your household gets each month from each source. Household income means income for you and anyone else who lives in your household; and,
- The amount of money in all your bank and/or retirement accounts.
Before we can assist you, we must find out that you are eligible for services with our office. Due to limited resources, our staff is not able to assist with every kind of legal issue. Our services are targeted to problems that affect basic needs, such as housing, income, medical care, and family safety.
Our attorneys must also avoid conflicts of interest that arise from talking with both parties in a dispute. We will ask you for information about the person, business, or agency with whom you are having a problem in order to find out whether there are any potential conflicts of interest. If you are applying for help on behalf of another person, we will decide whether we can speak with you about the legal issue or if we need to speak directly with the person on whose behalf you are calling. This ensures that we will avoid conflicts and obtain adequate information about the client and the legal matter.
If you are eligible to speak with an attorney, the attorney will ask you about your legal problem. Please have any papers or documents about your problem ready when we contact you. It will also help if you have important information such as the names of people involved with the problem and their addresses and telephone numbers.
If we decline to help you or you are unhappy with the legal assistance we provide to you, you may file a grievance. You can download the Online Applications Review Form here.
Idaho Legal Aid Services does not discriminate in the delivery of services or benefits based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, and gender identity. If you have experienced discrimination, you can file a complaint with us here: