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The Idaho Senior Legal Risk Detector is a joint project of Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. and ProBono.Net. The purpose of the risk detector is detect issues for seniors or the elderly related to housing, debt, financial exploitation, healthcare, and abuse and to do so quickly and accurately.
To determine whether you, as a senior are at risk, or whether a loved one who is a senior is at risk, please visit our Idaho Senior Legal Risk Detector to answer some questions:
The Wage and Hour Section of the Idaho Department of Labor is responsible for administering Idaho's minimum wage law, wage payment law, and farm labor contractor licensing law.
This pamphlet is a brief summary of the rules adopted by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (PUC) concerning electric, natural gas, and water termination practices. The rules apply to all residential customers of investor-owned utilities in Idaho under the jurisdiction of the PUC such as Idaho Power, Avista Utilities, Intermountain Gas, Utah Power & Light, Pacific Power & Light, Citizens Utility, and United Water.
These rules do not apply to cooperative utilities or municipally owned utilities.
In 1977, the Idaho Legislature passed a law which gives tenants a method of forcing landlords to make repairs. This pamphlet describes the law and gives some hints on how to use the law. We recommend you go through the following steps in this brochure if you have previously notified the landlord of the need for repairs and they have not been made.
En 1977, la legislatura de Idaho pasó una ley que le da al inquilino un método de forzar a los dueños a hacer reparaciones. Este folleto describe la ley y da algunas ideas en como usar la ley. Le recomendamos que usted siga los pasos siguientes si usted anteriormente le ha notificado al dueño de la necesidad de reparaciones y no han sido hechas...
As they plan for the time when they may need long-term care, consumers are likely to face some difficult and uncomfortable questions. What would I do if I were no longer able to care for myself? Would someone in my family take care of me, or would I seek care elsewhere? And how would caregivers get paid?...
It’s a task that few of us look forward to: arranging for help to be there if, as senior citizens, we
are no longer able to care for ourselves. For 1.4 million seniors, that care comes in a nursing home
where most residents have their bills paid by the government through the Medicaid program. For
millions of others, that care comes from family members or paid providers, in homes or assisted living
Cómo ahorrar al preparar la decla rac ión de impuestos Estas son algunas formas de no tener que sacar un préstamo sobre el reembolso de impuestos anticipado y además ahorrar dinero cuando prepara la declaración...
Providing the information below will allow you to calculate how much you can afford to spend on a home. However, many additional factors play a part in the loan qualification process.
The mortgage settlement process--sometimes called mortgage closing--can be confusing. A settlement may involve several interested parties and a variety of documents and fees. This guide helps you understand the steps involved in the settlement process. Although the focus here is on settlements for home purchases, much of the guidance will also apply if you refinance a mortgage...
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