Walk-in legal advice for seniors (age 55+) and adults with disabilities on powers of attorney, health directives, Social Security, housing, consumer & debt issues. No registration required.
Public presentations on elder abuse & neglect; consumer rights; fair housing & reverse mortgages. See flyer for times.
Call 208-932-4945 for more information.
Before you buy a home, attend a home ownership education course offered by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)-approved, non-profit counseling agencies.
Interview several real estate professionals (agents), and ask for and check references before you select one to help you buy or sell a home.
Get information about the prices of other homes in the neighborhood. Do not be fooled into paying too much.
If you have a fair housing issue or a predatory lending question, the following resources are available:
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) 1-800-669-9777, or (TDD) 1-800-927-9275, or on the web at www.hud.gov
Intermountain Fair Housing Council (208) 383-0695 in Boise calling area, or statewide toll-free 1-800-717-0695
Find out about:
Legal Help
Fair Housing
Housing Discrimination
Legal Help
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To find more information about Idaho laws and ways to help yourself:
If you, as an individual or family, are seeking housing, the Fair Housing Act prohibits discrimination because of:
national origin
familial status: Children under 18 living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women, or people trying to get custody of someone under the age of 18.
disability: mental and/or physical.
The term "housing" includes the following:
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