Legal Help
Find the nearest Idaho Legal Aid Services office
To find more information about Idaho laws and ways to help yourself:
Legal Help
Find the nearest Idaho Legal Aid Services office
To find more information about Idaho laws and ways to help yourself:
Legal Help
To find more information about Idaho laws and ways to help yourself:
Contact your local Court Assistance Office (CAO). There are many forms, instructions, and/or videos that you can use as a legal resource.
Go to the CAO website to download forms, instructions, and/or videos.
Legal Help
Free legal information and advice for Idaho Seniors
Please call our Statewide intake number: 208-746-7541
To find more information about Idaho laws and ways to help yourself:
Find out about:
Legal Help
Fair Housing
Housing Discrimination
Legal Help
Find the nearest Idaho Legal Aid Services office
To find more information about Idaho laws and ways to help yourself:
Emergency Help
If you or someone you know is being abused, get help as soon as possible. You can find the following kinds of help:
Legal Help
24-hour domestic violence hotlines
Legal Help
Call the ILAS domestic violence hotline
Legal Help
Contact Idaho Legal Aid Services at: (208) 746-7541 to receive advice on our Domestic Violence or Senior Legal Advice Lines or to apply for legal help.
To file paperwork for your case and download instructions, forms, or videos, visit:
To find a pro bono attorney, call the Idaho Volunteer Lawyers Program at: (208) 334-4510 (Treasure Valley Residents) or 1-800-221-3295 (All Other Idahoans).
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