Please view the attached Intimate Partner Violence Facts Infographic for more information. This infographic was created by Charity Smith.
Emergency Help
If you or someone you know is being abused, get help as soon as possible. You can find the following kinds of help:
Legal Help
24-hour domestic violence hotlines
Legal Help
Call the ILAS domestic violence hotline
All Idaho Legal Aid Services' (ILAS) offices provide the following kinds of help to victims of domestic violence:
protection orders
custody and/or visitation
spousal and child support
In order to be eligible, you must be the following:
Technology Safety Statement
Use of your home computer to visit this site can be tracked by someone in your home. You may want to use a computer in a public library or internet café. Or contact us through the Idaho Domestic Violence Advice Line:
Our Partners
LSC's support for this website is limited to those activities that are consistent with LSC restrictions.