Below are modules (guided informational programs) created by Idaho Legal Aid Services relating to End of Life Planning in Idaho, such as Power of Attorneys, Living Wills, Wills, etc.. The modules are available in English and Spanish.
This brochure was created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. and provides general legal advice to seniors regarding Power of Attorneys, Living Wills, Wills, etc.
The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau has created a Guide to Managing Another Person's Finances that may be useful to those who have a Financial Power of Attorney for another or act as a guardian or conservator for another person:
This brochure provides information on different ways to manage decision-making as we age.
“Este formulario se le llama un “Poder Notarial Para Delegar La Patria Potestad.” Las instrucciones explican cómo llenar y usar el formulario. El propósito del formulario es para que un padre o tutor legal pueda delegar su autoridad paterna sobre un niño a otro adulto para que el otro adulto pueda hacer decisiones paternas para el niño.
This form is called a “Power of Attorney Delegating Parental Powers.” The instructions explain how to fill out and use the form. The purpose of the form is for a parent or guardian to delegate his or her parental authority over a child to another adult so that the other adult can make parenting decisions for the child. While we are providing the form in English and Spanish to assist Spanish speakers in filling out the form, the form should be filled out in English because most schools, hospitals, doctors’ offices, and other organizations will only accept the form in English.
Este video explica lo que es un documento de poder que es y por lo que puede ser una cosa útil tener. Si alguna vez se preguntó si debería tener un poder de representación, el vídeo puede responder a algunas de sus preguntas.
This video explains what a power of attorney document is and why it can be a useful thing to have. If you have ever wondered if you should have a power of attorney, this video may answer some of your questions.
Use the attached form to revoke a power of attorney you currently have in place but want to cancel.
Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Affairs
Use the attached template to create a power of attorney to delegate your financial decisions to another if you become unable to manage your own financial decisions.
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