Durable Power of Attorney for Financial Affairs
Use the attached template to create a power of attorney to delegate your financial decisions to another if you become unable to manage your own financial decisions.
Please use the attached template to create a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.
We currently have forms for a Parental Power of Attorney, a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care, a Power of Attorney for Financial Affairs, a Power of Attorney Revocation Form, and a Demand for Accounting by Agent Letter.
Powers of Attorney and Advanced Directives - Templates
An interactive form is available for free to seniors and low income individuals seeking a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. You can easily complete the form by answering a few simple questions.
We plan for many important events in life. We plan for retirement, a wedding, vacations, and for a child’s education. Sadly, the health choices that are made at the end of life are seldom planned and many times they are made for us. Decisions are put off and desires are not expressed because it is difficult to contemplate or discuss death. There are many things to plan for at the end of life. Transfer of property and the well being of a spouse or child are all issues to be considered and planned for.
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