Attached is a Word.doc template for a Motion for Temporary Orders for temporary custody, visitation, and/or support in a pending family law matter. You may use this template to draft your own motion.
Please review the advice and additional documents needed for this motion in the Temporary Orders Packet, created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, the Idaho Law Foundation, and the Women's and Children's Alliance, attached.
Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. has created a Custody Basics Guide to explain legal and physical custody in Idaho, as well as joint v. sole custody. Please view the attached document for more information.
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges has created a guide on How to Gather Technology Abuse Evidence for Court, whether as evidence in a civil protection order case, a custody case, or a divorce case.
To view this guide, please visit:
Please click on the Third-Party Custody Guide below for more information regarding third-party custody in Idaho cases, including information on the De Facto Custodian Act and a grandparent's ability to seek third-party custody in a divorce action.
Power of Attorney Delegating Parental Powers to a Relative
An interactive form is available for free to seniors and low income individuals seeking a Power of Attorney delegating parental powers over a child to a relative. You can easily complete the form by answering a few simple questions.
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