Attached is a Word.doc template for a Motion for Temporary Orders for temporary custody, visitation, and/or support in a pending family law matter. You may use this template to draft your own motion.
Please review the advice and additional documents needed for this motion in the Temporary Orders Packet, created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, the Idaho Law Foundation, and the Women's and Children's Alliance, attached.
If you are a facing a divorce and you are not sure how community debt will be determined or divided in your case, please view Idaho Legal AId Service's Community Debt Guide below.
This guide was created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. to explain housing rights and protections a domestic violence survivor has under federal and state law.
For more information, please see the guide below.
This guide was created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. to provide general information regarding community property and separate property in a divorce and how the court divides property.
If you are in need of specific legal advice, please consult with an attorney.
The attached guide details the process of determining interests in real property (real estate and land) between an unmarried couple, where each person's name is on the deed, and the couple is now separating or separated.
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