Idaho Senior Legal Guidebook

Basic Information about Idaho’s Laws for Seniors ILAS Logo

Seniors and their family, neighbors, friends and caregivers will find this Guide helpful. The Guide gives general information about legal issues that seniors frequently encounter and offers practical options for each situation. It will also give direction on where to look and who to call for more detailed information.

No guidebook can cover every single legal issue or give advice on your unique situation. However, we hope that this Guide will give you a better understanding of what to expect, what questions to ask, and what you can do next.

This Guide is not copyrighted. Any of its pages may be copied so the information is accessible to anyone who wants or needs it. We encourage you to view and download a copy of the Guide online at

You may need to talk to a lawyer about your unique situation. This Guide gives general information on legal issues. It is not a substitute for an opinion from an attorney or legal advice about your particular case. It also does not create an attorney-client relationship with Idaho Legal Aid Services or anybody else.



Your Safety First:    Know about elder abuse

Your Lawyer:  Do you need one?

Your Money:    Scams, Contracts, Debt, Bankruptcy, Benefits, Income

Your Health:    Medicare, Medicaid, Paying for Long Term Care

Your Home:     Renters’ Rights, Homeowners Rights

Your Family:    Guardianships, Grandchildren, Divorce

Your Future:    Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Wills, Probate

Your Rights:    Legal “Self Defense” Tips, Court System Basics

Quick Legal Checkup

Helpful Resources


This project was supported, in part, by grant number 90LE0007-01-00, from the U.S. Administration for Community Living, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C. 20201. Grantees undertaking projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore, necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living policy.

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