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Below are modules (guided informational programs) related to legal issues surrounding caregiving and caregivers in Idaho in English and Spanish.
Telemarketing is a significant and legitimate business. At the same time, many Idahoans have suffered financial losses due to deception by unscrupulous telemarketers. Similarly, Idahoans report that the large number of calls they receive disturbs their peace and interrupts their family life.
Claim of Exemption from Levy Form blank template for use in the State of Idaho where someone has sued you and intends to levy your property
The Social Security Administration manages Social Security benefits. Social Security is a federal program providing benefits to eligible workers and their families when the worker retires, becomes disabled, or dies.
Social Security income is a lifeline for most seniors. Because it is considered so essential for survival, it has traditionally been protected from attachment by creditors. However, there are some exceptions.
Please review the guide below for more information.
Cómo ahorrar al preparar la decla rac ión de impuestos Estas son algunas formas de no tener que sacar un préstamo sobre el reembolso de impuestos anticipado y además ahorrar dinero cuando prepara la declaración...
Providing the information below will allow you to calculate how much you can afford to spend on a home. However, many additional factors play a part in the loan qualification process.
The mortgage settlement process--sometimes called mortgage closing--can be confusing. A settlement may involve several interested parties and a variety of documents and fees. This guide helps you understand the steps involved in the settlement process. Although the focus here is on settlements for home purchases, much of the guidance will also apply if you refinance a mortgage...
This website gives you an overview of ARMs, explains how ARMs work, and discusses some of the issues that you might face as a borrower...
Cuando usted obtiene un préstamo hipotecario, es posible que piense que la entidad de préstamo conservará y administrará su préstamo hasta que termine de pagarlo o hasta que venda su casa. Frecuentemente no es así. En el mercado actual, los préstamos y los derechos de administrarlos se compran y se venden con bastante frecuencia. En muchos casos, la compañía a la cual usted le envía sus pagos no es la compañía dueña del préstamo.
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