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Emergency Help
If you or someone you know is being abused, get help as soon as possible. You can find the following kinds of help:
Legal Help
24-hour domestic violence hotlines
Legal Help
Call the ILAS domestic violence hotline
Victim of Crime Services after Court
If your abuser is in prison, you have certain rights and responsibilities involved in their parole. The Commission of Pardons and Parole is Idaho’s parole and clemency board. The Commission meets every month at various Department of Correction institutions to conduct parole hearings and case reviews. Victim information and participation is an important and reccommended aspect of this process.
Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. has created a Civil Protection Order Guide to help you understand who may file for a civil protection order, what circumstances and situations allow one to file for a civil protection order, and what relationships, if any, are required between the person filing for a civil protection order and the person the civil protection order is against. This guide also includes information on how to file for a civil protection order, what hearings take place, how to prepare for these hearings, and resources available to Idahoans.
Probate is the procedure for transferring title of a deceased person's property to the proper survivors. If the person did not have a will, the laws of intestate succession set out who will inherit. If there is a valid will, the estate still must be probated, but it is distributed according to the will. Probate also arranges for payment of all debts and taxes.
Your home is likely your most valuable asset, and you have an interest in maintaining ownership, protecting your equity and preserving your credit rating. This manual describes how you can better protect yourself from scams and deceptive business practices aimed at homeowners. Mortgage fraud, foreclosure rescue schemes and other deceptive practices have invaded our state, offering empty promises and stealing the dream of home ownership. Both Idaho and federal law offer some protections against mortgage fraud. Some of these laws are discussed in this manual.
Here are ways to take a pass on that RAL— most folks don’t need one—and save money at tax time...
Cómo ahorrar al preparar la decla rac ión de impuestos Estas son algunas formas de no tener que sacar un préstamo sobre el reembolso de impuestos anticipado y además ahorrar dinero cuando prepara la declaración...
Providing the information below will allow you to calculate how much you can afford to spend on a home. However, many additional factors play a part in the loan qualification process.
The mortgage settlement process--sometimes called mortgage closing--can be confusing. A settlement may involve several interested parties and a variety of documents and fees. This guide helps you understand the steps involved in the settlement process. Although the focus here is on settlements for home purchases, much of the guidance will also apply if you refinance a mortgage...
This website gives you an overview of ARMs, explains how ARMs work, and discusses some of the issues that you might face as a borrower...
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