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Below is a module (a guided informational program) related to Medicaid Long-term Care issues and planning. This module/guide is available in English and Spanish.
Generally, family law involves issues such as:
Child Custody
Child Support
Domestic Violence
Spousal Support
Civil Protection Orders
However, Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. is limited in the types of family law cases we can accept. We may provide legal help to families in the following types of cases:
Technology Safety Statement
Use of your home computer to visit this site can be tracked by someone in your home. You may want to use a computer in a public library or internet café. Or contact us through the Idaho Domestic Violence Advice Line:
The Internet is an exciting tool that puts vast amounts of information at your fingertips. With the click of a mouse, you can buy airline tickets, use research tools, chat with friends or play interactive games.
But there are also risks on the Internet, so it’s important to be cyber-smart and make your experience online a safe one. It is critically important that parents supervise their children’s Internet use. As we’ve seen all too often, trusting children are particularly vulnerable to sexual predators and other cyber-criminals.
Medicaid has different programs available that provide health coverage for:
Medicare is a multi-part federal health insurance program managed by the federal government. A
person applies for Medicare through the Social Security Administration, but Medicare's rules are
written by another federal agency, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS), and Medicare
claims are processed by private insurance companies, called "Fiscal Intermediaries" and
"Medicare Carriers," that vary from state to state.
What is Medicaid? Medicaid is a government program that pays for a broad range of health care, including hospitalizations, phhysician care, medications, and long-term care. Medicaid is administered by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, and an application for Medicaid may be submitted to any Department of Health and Welfare office.
In 1977, the Idaho Legislature passed a law which gives tenants a simple and quick method of forcing landlords to return security deposits that are owed to tenants...
La Internet es una herramienta apasionante que le presenta enormes cantidades de información al alcance de su mano. Con un toque del ratón (mouse), puede comprar pasajes aéreos, utilizar herramientas de búsqueda, conversar con los amigos o participar en juegos interactivos. Pero también existen riesgos en la Internet, por lo tanto, es importante ser ciber-inteligente y que su experiencia en línea sea segura. Es de suma importancia que los padres supervisen el uso de la Internet por parte de sus hijos.
En 1977, la Legislatura de Idaho pasó una ley cual le da a inquilinos una manera sencilla y rápida de forzar a los dueños a regresar los depósitos de seguridad que se les debe a los inquilinos...
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