The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) has created Consumer Advice for Dealing with Debt Collectors. Their webpage covers the following information:
The National Consumer Law Center has created guides addressing your credit card and debit card protections and legal rights. For more information, please view the attached factsheets.
Social Security income is a lifeline for most seniors. Because it is considered so essential for survival, it has traditionally been protected from attachment by creditors. However, there are some exceptions.
Please review the guide below for more information.
Claim of Exemption from Levy Form blank template for use in the State of Idaho where someone has sued you and intends to levy your property
Telemarketing is a significant and legitimate business. At the same time, many Idahoans have suffered financial losses due to deception by unscrupulous telemarketers. Similarly, Idahoans report that the large number of calls they receive disturbs their peace and interrupts their family life.
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