Idaho Legal Aid Services will hold a pre-filing workshop for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault to provide assistance in filling out forms associated with divorce, custody, child support and protection orders. The event will be held at the Ada County Victim Services Center, 417 S 6th Street, Boise from 1:00 to 5:00 pm on July 11, 2024. Call 208-577-4400 to RSVP.
The attached packet contains templates you can use to file an Ex Parte Emergency Custody Motion in your child custody or divorce case.
Idaho Legal Aid Services created the attached guide to inform Idaho residents of their rights related to spousal maintenance, also known as spousal support or alimony, in a divorce case. Unmarried couples are not eligible for spousal maintenance. For more information, please view the guide below.
Attached is a Word.doc template for a Motion for Temporary Orders for temporary custody, visitation, and/or support in a pending family law matter. You may use this template to draft your own motion.
Please review the advice and additional documents needed for this motion in the Temporary Orders Packet, created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, the Idaho Law Foundation, and the Women's and Children's Alliance, attached.
If you are a facing a divorce and you are not sure how community debt will be determined or divided in your case, please view Idaho Legal AId Service's Community Debt Guide below.
Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. has created a Custody Basics Guide to explain legal and physical custody in Idaho, as well as joint v. sole custody. Please view the attached document for more information.
The National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges has created a guide on How to Gather Technology Abuse Evidence for Court, whether as evidence in a civil protection order case, a custody case, or a divorce case.
To view this guide, please visit:
This guide was created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. to provide general information regarding community property and separate property in a divorce and how the court divides property.
If you are in need of specific legal advice, please consult with an attorney.
The Uniform Family Law Interrogatories are questions to ask the other party to gain information and evidence regarding your family law case. You can edit this document as necessary for your case.
The attached PDF explains the divorce with no minor children court process in the State of Idaho. Some variations on this process may occur on a case-by-case basis or from courthouse to courthouse.
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