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Have interest rates fallen? Or do you expect them to go up? Has your credit score improved enough so that you might be eligible for a lower-rate mortgage? Would you like to switch into a different type of mortgage?  The answers to these questions will influence your decision to refinance your mortgage. But before deciding, you need to understand all that refinancing involves. Your home may be your most valuable financial asset, so you want to be careful when choosing a lender or broker and specific mortgage terms.
Refinancing is a process in which you pay off one or more existing debts with a new home loan. If you have perfect credit, refinancing is sometimes a good way to obtain a lower interest rate or to convert a variable rate loan to a fixed rate. However, if you are in the midst of financial difficulties, if you have too much debt, or if you have bad credit, refinancing is loaded with pitfalls. We recommend that you be very careful whenrefinancing debts. Many refinancing loans hurt consumer. Here are twelve things to consider before refinancing...
Owning a home is part of the American dream. But high home prices may make the dream seem out of  reach. To make monthly mortgage payments more affordable, many lenders offer home loans that allow you to (1) pay only the interest on the loan during the fi rst few years of the loan term or (2) make only a specifi ed minimum payment that could be less than the monthly interest on the loan...
You could lose your home and your money if you borrow from unscrupulous lenders who offer you a high-cost loan based on the equity you have in your home. Certain lenders target homeowners who are elderly or who have low incomes or credit problems — and then try to take advantage of them by using deceptive practices. The Federal Trade Commission, the nation’s consumer protection agency, cautions all homeowners to be on the lookout for.
Si usted no paga su hipoteca en fecha o si paga un monto menor a su mensualidad, usted incurre en incumplimiento de pago de su préstamo. Las consecuencias del incumplimiento de pago pueden ser costosas. La Comisión Federal de Comercio (Federal Trade Commission, FTC), la agencia nacional de protección del consumidor, dice que es importante entender los costos que tiene el incumplimiento de pago.
Cuando usted obtiene un préstamo hipotecario, es posible que piense que la entidad de préstamo conservará y administrará su préstamo hasta que termine de pagarlo o hasta que venda su casa. Frecuentemente no es así. En el mercado actual, los préstamos y los derechos de administrarlos se compran y se venden con bastante frecuencia. En muchos casos, la compañía a la cual usted le envía sus pagos no es la compañía dueña del préstamo.
This website gives you an overview of ARMs, explains how ARMs work, and discusses some of the issues that you might face as a borrower...
The mortgage settlement process--sometimes called mortgage closing--can be confusing. A settlement may involve several interested parties and a variety of documents and fees. This guide helps you understand the steps involved in the settlement process. Although the focus here is on settlements for home purchases, much of the guidance will also apply if you refinance a mortgage...
Providing the information below will allow you to calculate how much you can afford to spend on a home. However, many additional factors play a part in the loan qualification process.

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