The information contained in this guide has been temporarily removed until it can be updated. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) created a new tool that allows renters and landlords to find rental assistance programs in their area.
To use this tool, please visit:
Attached is a What to Do If Your Landlord Shuts Off Your Utility Service(s) Guide created by Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc.
This guide provides information on your rights in this situation and the steps you can take to get your utility service turned back on as quickly as possible.
In Idaho, investor-owned utilities providing basic services such as electricity, gas, water and telecommunications services must follow rules that protect consumers. The rules are established and enforced by the Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC). The IPUC is a state agency charged with regulating investor-owned utilities. (City-owned or cooperative utilities are not regulated by the IPUC). The rules say when a utility can and cannot disconnect service to a customer.
This guide goes through the general process of a civil lawsuit in Idaho.
This YouTube video by Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. explains a tenant's right to a jury trial in Idaho evictions where a question of fact is in dispute (where the parties disagree on some fact materially related to the case).
Attached below please find forms and information that may be helpful to you in your eviction case related to requesting a jury trial.
Rental and utility assistance is available for low income families who are unable to pay their current rent or utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic or the related economic crisis.
If you live within Ada County or the City of Boise, contact the Boise City Ada County Housing Authority for rent/utility assistance:
Idaho Legal Aid Services has created a series of videos to provide information to tenants facing an eviction. If you have questions about the eviction process, tenants’ rights in eviction, and possible defenses to raise in an eviction hearing, these videos could be a great resource for you:
If you are a tenant that needs to answer a Complaint for a Nonpayment of Rent Eviction (Unlawful Detainer), you can find the forms you need here:, under "Respond to an Eviction for Nonpayment of Rent."
Temporary Reduction in Rent Agreement. Idaho Legal Aid has prepared a customizable template agreement to assist tenants and landlords who have agreed to a temporary reduction in rent due to the pandemic. The form is not interactive, but can be downloaded as a PDF or Word document. Scroll down to the bottom of this page to find these forms.
Please visit the Court Assistance Office (CAO) website for landlord-tenant self-help forms.
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