Reasonable Accommodation
What is a Reasonable Accommodation?
Under the Fair Housing Act, a person with a disability can request changes or exceptions to rules, policies, or practices of a landlord, where necessary to allow them full use and enjoyment of the rental premises. Examples of reasonable accommodations include requesting an assigned accessible parking space, requesting an exception to a no pet policy for an assistance animal, requesting a lower mailbox that is accessible to a person in a wheelchair, or requesting more time to move. Housing providers cannot charge a person with a disability an extra fee or deposit as a condition of an approved reasonable accommodation request. Housing providers also should not simply deny a reasonable accommodation request; instead, they should engage in the “interactive process” with the tenant and work to find alternative accommodations that would meet the tenant’s needs.
For more information, please view:
Requesting a Reasonable Accommodation
You may use the attached Word.doc forms to request a reasonable accommodation or for a proof of need letter for your landlord. You may also use the interactive forms below.