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Consumer fraud is a serious problem in Idaho. Every year Idahoans lose too much money to scam artists.
Are you a victim of housing discrimination? Fair housing is your right! If you have been denied your housing
rights, you may have experienced housing discrimination.
A pension plan is an agreement between an employee, their employer and, for some jobs, the union. Sometimes, the employer contributes and sometimes the employee does as well. Employers are not required to have pension plans. A federal law, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), sets the standards for private pensions. It also provides guaranteed pensions in some cases.
This brochure was prepared by Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. for the purpose of informing tenants of their rights and responsibilities in federal housing programs under current Idaho and federal law. It does not include other legal theories which have been adopted by other states but as yet not accepted by Idaho’s courts. At several points in the brochure, the tenant is advised to seek legal assistance of an attorney.
The purpose of this memorandum is to reiterate procedures for complaints processed by Fair Housing Assistance Program agencies that involve Low Income Housing Tax Credit properties.
HUD handles complaints in several categories:
Housing discrimination: Federal law prohibits housing discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, religion, sex, family status, or disability. If you have been trying to buy or rent a home or apartment and you believe your rights have been violated, you can file a fair housing complaint.
Design and Construction Resources
HUD Design Manual - Fair Housing Guidelines:
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ANSI - American National Standards Institute
11 West 42nd Street
New York, New York 10036
Can be purchased on-line from a variety of sources; cannot be reproduced
Fair Housing Accessibility First
El fraude a los consumidores es un problema serio en el Estado de Idaho y cada año los ciudadanos de Idaho pierden grandes cantidades de dinero a causa de los estafadores....
Este folleto fue preparado por Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. con el propósito de informar a los
inquilinos de sus derechos y responsabilidades en los programas de vivienda federal bajo la ley de
Idaho y federal actual. No incluye otras teorías legales cuales han sido adoptadas por otros estados
pero aun no han sido aceptadas en los tribunales de Idaho. En varios puntos de este folleto, se le
aconseja al inquilino que obtenga ayuda legal de un abogado. Es especialmente importante para los
This section provides information on where to file a fair housing complaint; the information needed to file a complaint; and advice on what to expect during the complaint process. If you feel you have been discriminated against by a housing provider, filing a complaint can be a crucial way to protect you and prevent future discrimination in our community.
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