The Suffolk Lit Lab has developed a form to help people on SSI or SSDI create a letter to report changes to Social Security that might affect their benefits and to avoid any possible overpayments. For more information, visit their website here:
If you need help with an SSI or SSDI overpayment issue, you can complete a form asking Social Security to waive repayment or lower the rate of repayment of the overpayment. For more information and a self-guided tool, please visit the Suffolk Lit Lab's website here:
The National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) has created Consumer Advice for Dealing with Debt Collectors. Their webpage covers the following information:
The National Consumer Law Center has created guides addressing your credit card and debit card protections and legal rights. For more information, please view the attached factsheets.
If you are being contacted by a debt collector in violation of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), you may want to consider writing a Cease and Desist Letter to the debt collector.
The Federal Trade Commission, the government body that enforces the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), has compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) regarding Debt Collection. Some of the questions answered include:
This guide goes through the general process of a civil lawsuit in Idaho.
The National Association of Consumer Advocates has created a series of videos providing information to consumers who are being sued on a debt. You can access those videos here:
View the videos on the pages above to learn more on a particular topic.
If you lost your debt defense case (or did not know it even occurred) and your wages or bank account is being garnished, learn what you can do.
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